Signed in as:
Signed in as:
NOTE: Lying scribes and Constantine's correctores changed our Creator's Name almost 7,000 times from Yahuah (YHWH) to "God," "Lord" or "Adonai."
They also changed our Messiah's Name from Yahusha (YHWHO) to "Jesus" or "Lord."
Refer to the first video at Real Names.
Yahuah said "... this (Yahuah, (YHWH)) is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." Exodus 3:15 (KJV)
Yahuah: (commonly referred to as "God," "Lord," or "Adonai.")
Yahshua: (commonly referred to as "Jesus" or "Lord")
Elohim: (commonly referred to as "The Father," "Holy Spirit" and "His Son")
Ruach Ha’Qodesh: Yahuah's Spirit (refers to the divine force, quality, and influence of Yahuah over the world or over Yahuah's creatures, in given contexts.)
Yahusha Ha'Mashiach: Yahusha the Messiah (means Yahuah saves)
For more insight watch video # 3. "Master Of Disguise" at our Lessons.
Basic articles of faith stating in simple terms the concepts of what we believe about... "The faith once delivered..." (Jude 1:3)
Vegans and Animals
WE BELIEVE that followers of our Creator, Yahuah and His Son Yahusha are to be Vegans as per our Creator's instruction in Genesis 1:29 "And Elohlim said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." (KJV) and the 10 Commandments. We are to be caretakers of the world and all creatures and to include all animals in our circle of compassion. Man and animals are living souls and share the same breath of life given by our Creator. Man is commanded not to kill and not to eat or drink blood (animal flesh has blood in it.)
The Holy Scriptures
WE BELIEVE the Creator's Word (The Covenant and the New Covenant). We recommend "The Scriptures, by ISR", available at Amazon .com - real names of all people, places and things are restored. Read it online now Berĕshith (Genesis) 1 | TS2009 Bible | YouVersion
WE BELIEVE in one Elohim (monotheism), eternally existing as the Father, Yahuah, with His Ruach Ha’Qodesh (His Spirit, which is intrinsic in Him and not apart from Him), and His Son, Yahusha. Yahuah and Yahusha are co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, co-equal in power and glory, and have the same attributes and perfections. (I John 5:7; Matt. 28:19; Deut. 6:4; John 14:10, 26). The Scriptures: 9780958504546: Institute for Scripture Research: Books the paperback edition. A large print edition is available.
Assembly of Yahuah Vegans
Sharing the real message of our Creator with Christians and people of all other world religions. No religion is required to worship our Creator! Greedy leaders of organized religions have prevented people from learning this! Share this site with all mankind.
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